Ah, the age-old question: how often should you wash your hair? It’s a topic that’s sparked many debates and left many of us scratching our heads (and scalps). Fear not, dear reader, for we are here to demystify the art of hair washing. Whether your hair is oily, dry, fine, curly, coily, or thick, we’ve got the lowdown on how often you should be washing your hair and some tips on proper hair washing practices.

How Often Should You Wash Your Hair?

a woman having her hair washed on a salon sink
Photo by RDNE Stock project on Pexels.com
  1. Oily Hair: If your hair tends to get greasy quickly, a daily wash might be your best bet. Keeping that excess oil in check can help your hair look fresher.
  2. Dry, Damaged Hair: On the other end of the spectrum, if your hair is dry and damaged, give it a break. Washing every 5-7 days can prevent stripping away natural oils that your hair desperately needs.
  3. Fine/Thin Hair: Every other day could be the sweet spot for fine or thin hair. Frequent washing can add volume without weighing down those delicate strands.
  4. Wavy/Curly Hair: Waves and curls don’t need as much washing. Aim for every 4-5 days to maintain those natural, beautiful patterns.
  5. Coily Hair: Coily hair loves moisture, so once a week should be enough. This allows the natural oils to distribute and keep those coils hydrated.
  6. Thick Hair: Thick hair can handle less frequent washing. Once a week should suffice to keep your mane healthy and vibrant.

The Myth of Hair Growth and Washing:

Now, let’s tackle a common myth: does not washing your hair make it grow faster? The short answer is no. Hair growth happens at the scalp, and cleanliness doesn’t affect the rate at which your hair grows. However, a clean and healthy scalp can create a more conducive environment for optimal hair growth.

Shampoo: To Use or Not to Use?

shampoo bottles on shelf
Photo by Polina Tankilevitch on Pexels.com

Do you need to wash your hair with shampoo? It depends on your hair type and personal preference. Some hair types may benefit from a good shampooing, while others might prefer a co-wash (conditioner only). Experiment and find what works best for you.

Proper Hair Washing Techniques:

So, how do you properly wash your hair? Start by wetting your hair thoroughly. Apply a small amount of shampoo or conditioner (depending on your preference) to your roots and massage gently. Rinse, and follow up with conditioner if needed. Remember, less is often more.

Tips for Less Greasy Hair:

If you want to stretch the time between washes, here are some tips:

  • Use a dry shampoo.
  • Avoid touching your hair too much.
  • Tie your hair up in a loose bun or ponytail.
  • Experiment with different hairstyles that camouflage greasiness.

Other Hair-Washing Queries:

  • During Your Period: It’s absolutely okay to wash your hair during your period. There’s no scientific reason to avoid it.
  • Washing Henna Out: Rinse with plenty of water, and use a conditioner to help release the henna. Patience is key.
  • Drying Your Hair After Washing: Gently squeeze excess water with a towel, then air-dry or use a blow dryer on a low heat setting. Avoid vigorous towel drying to prevent damage.

Did you know that Fish oil helps in thickening hair. Read 10 benefits of fish oil here.


Finding the right hair-washing routine is a personal journey. Listen to your hair, experiment with different approaches, and embrace the uniqueness of your locks. Whether you’re a daily washer or a once-a-week champion, the key is to keep your hair healthy, happy, and shining its brightest.

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